Digi IAP Setup

Digi's documentation is kind of terrible, hopefully this helps.


  • Windows Laptop with Windows firewall switched off (Public and Private both, otherwise you won't be able to see the Digi device)
  • Ethernet Cross Over Cable (or a router/switch)
  • 12 – 30 Volt Power Supply
  • Serial Loop Back Plug
  • Digi Device Discovery Utility
  • RealPort Set Up Wizard
  • Putty or equivalent
  • Power Supply Capable of Providing Voltage/Amperage as Shown in Chart Below (Or use POE)

Set Up Procedure:

  1. Power up Digi IAP Protocol Convertor and hook up to laptop using cross over cable
  2. Open Device Discovery Utility and search for device, factory default should be This step is just to confirm that the device is present on the network
  1. Select desired device and then right click and select Configure Network Settings to Assign an IP address, set IP and Subnet Mask Accordingly
  1. Enter password from device sticker when prompted
  1. The device should now show up in Digi Device Discovery with its newly assigned IP address
  1. Open Digi RealPort Setup Wizard and select Add a New Device
  1. Select the appropriate IP and click Next
  1. Set the Starting COM to the communications port you want this device to show up as in Windows and then click Finish
  1. Open Device Manager and confirm that the device shows up under Ports (COM & LPT), review properties to determine appropriate baud rate and that the device is working properly
  1. Return to Digi Device Discovery, select IP address and then select Open Web Interface

  2. The web browser will open and prompt you for a password

    Username is root

    Password is included on a sticker that comes with the IAP

  1. Click on the Serial Port Configuration Menu, click the RealPort radio button and then click Apply
  1. Click on Port Security Settings and set up security as required, click apply. The example in the screenshot is setup to allow access only by an OPC server and the configuration laptop (necessary for port testing)
  1. With the loop back tester attached to the DB9 comm port, open up Putty
  2. Select Serial Connection, adjust Serial Line to appropriate comm port and then select open
  1. In the serial window that appears you should be able to see what you type on the keyboard, if you cannot then the port is not set up properly. You can confirm this by removing the serial loopback tester, you will still see the TX/RX lights on the IAP flashing, but no text will appear in the window when you type.


  • Most of the trouble I have seen with this procedure is related to the Windows firewall, it needs to be turned off or you won't see anything
  • With that in mind, remember to turn your firewall back on when you are done.
  • Steps 6-9 can be repeated on multiple computers on the same network to have the comm port accessible from multiple locations (obviously can only be used from one machine at a time).
  • The web interface should be accessible from anywhere on the network segment (assuming lateral traffic is permitted in your environment)
  • There are most specific settings found in the web browser related to MODBUS, vendors, and more... I have found that setting things up as a RealPort works 99% of the time, but perhaps these settings will be useful to you.